
Friday, 21 October 2011

The world statistics day was celebrated by the department of Statistics University of Sindh.

The world statistics day was celebrated by the department of Statistics University of Sindh on Thursday. In this connection the department of statistics organized a seminar which was attended by teachers and students. The Chairperson of the department Dr. Raja Muhammad Ilyas who presided over the seminar said that statistics is field of study or it is a group of numbers that summarized the state of our national economy, business, population and other information which is vital in every walk of life. He said that statistics in today’s world is a solid understanding of the information  in statistical report which is an important  to artists, actors ands musicians as it is to the sociologists, economists, scientists and other who produce the reports.
On this occasion a large number students from the Part-I to final year also expressed their views to mark the world statistics day.


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